Lauren Burke, Founder of PowerHouseHappy

Investing in yourSelf is investing in your life.

Hello Beautiful Human!

Coaching is for anyone looking to seek out the extraordinary power within themselves, develop their leadership skills and create a life of possibility.

This is your permission slip to quiet down, connect up and listen in.

I promise there is magic inside of you. I’ll help you connect to it and together we will take action to create the life of your wildest dreams.


Lauren Burke PowerHouseHappy 1:1 Coaching Services

1:1 Coaching

Shed old legacies holding you back and choose a new truth for yourSelf.

Connect to your magic and mission and develop a toolbox of ways to restore yourSelf wherever you are.

Create a vision for your bold, beautiful, and abundant life.

Create goals for your life as tools to live into your vision.

Toolbox of supports to get you into and keep you in action.

Team Coaching Services Lauren Burke

Executive Coaching

Develop the tools and leader within to uplift your team and your profits.

Happy leaders create happy teams. Happy teams create profitable businesses.

Sports Program Coaching Lauren Burke

Sports Program Coaching

Investing in your coaches is investing in your players. Let’s connect to discover what is possible for your community.

The time is NOW.

Get clear on your mission.

Move into full hearted, soul filling, glitter giving action.